
Read leadership insights by Rick Torseth: Self-reflective leaders understand the impact of their footprints on their organisations and adapt.
Trusted leaders need to muster the courage to speak up. Loyalty is not found in keeping quiet but in stepping up and speaking out. We agree. Read Insights by the Change Leaders: In this article, Mike Staresinic, Christine Dawood, Mark Clark, Sharon Wood, Dave Cooper, Deborah Jones, Mariann Gyorke, Brian Evje, and Chantho Creze.
Sharing the premises, principles and practices of transformative dialogue. Valuing autonomy and relatedness to support pro-social conflict interactions in relationships, organisations, and communities
Three simple questions that unlock individual and team resistance to change and get projects back on track.
A team of tCL colleagues conducted online and in-person workshops (in tropical paradise Fiji) with 30 faith leaders to promote gender equality and reduce gender-based violence.
Amidst the climate crisis, our project 'Life is H2O' emphasises water. We highlight its dual role as a crucial resource and a potential threat, particularly in the face of scarcity and flooding.
Complexity Unravelled examines how change agents in different regions of the world initiate change within the public, private and voluntary sectors. The chapters illustrate different types of change interventions and challenge mainstream approaches to strategic implementation and turnaround efforts.
Our book, New Eyes: The Human Side of Change Leadership, which was published in September 2013 is now available in eBooks version. Because we are functionning as a non profit and looking forward to share knowledge with many change practitionners, the price of this electronic version came down to nearly a third of the paperback price.