The Human Side of Change Leadership


Our book, New Eyes: The Human Side of Change Leadership, which was published in September 2013 is now available in eBooks version. Because we are functionning as a non profit and looking forward to share knowledge with many change practitionners, the price of this electronic version came down to nearly a third of the paperback price. You can source it from,,, Kobo and other book selling sites.

Here is a summary, by Mick Yates: The book includes eight practical ways to simplify complexity, handle turbulence, use Big Data and improve results in change and business transformation.
• Have two effective tools for better trust and integrity in
• Identify your change leadership communications style
– wolf, parrot, spider or koala?
• Use performance metrics to drive transformation
• See a pathway to explore new organisational structures
• Be able to lead integrating big data, customer
centricity and innovation
• Discover how to begin unlocking lock-in in your mind
• Improve value created from projects at Board Level
• Know when to apply innovative approaches to complex
human change

“New Eyes offers leading edge thinking about leadership and change. the ideas are fresh, challenging and grounded in reality. It also honors how difficult culture change is, how it requires something more than tools and training. It is about an act of faith much more profound than solving a problem or meeting the expectations of a market”. Peter Block, author Stewardship, Freedom and accountability at Work, and Community: The Structure of Belonging

Margareta Barchan and Jeanne Westervelt Rice suggest two approaches they have found effective in influencing organisational and personal values. They suggest thoughtful practices in the work place, namely guided dialogues and reflective writing. They also address the inadequacy of Codes of Conduct in promoting ethical behaviour.

Susan Goldsworthy takes a fresh look at the power of communications and its effective use by leaders. She enlists social psychology and motivational theory to offer suggestions for more effective approaches. Are you a wolf, parrot, spider or koala in how you lead and communicate change?

Silke Grotegut, Anja Reitz, and Wulf Schönberg consider the organisation of the future. They call it Organisation 3.0. They point to multi-generational sharing of work processes, the increasing role of personal values, longer and healthier life spans, the ubiquity of work, the growing impact of social media, and employee empowerment.

Martin Thomas addresses long term sustainable business performance. Using scenarios, he projects out to 2050 to look back on what leading organisations would do today. Thomas proposes to use Purposeful Self-Renewing Organisations as a construct for a re-assessment of performance measurement systems in corporate governance.

Mick Yates considers Big Data and its broad impact in our lives, and the need for “Big Data Leaders”. Yates discusses how the value of Big Data can be realised, notably by embracing customer centricity and creating innovation networks. He also introduces a pragmatic leadership framework for enabling organisational change and performance.

John O’Loan sees that digital technology is not only changing the exterior nature of reality but also our interior landscape, our brains and minds. In an age of hypertext and cut-and-paste, we process information differently and hence think differently. O’Loan brings to bear the work of Walter Ong, Dan Tapscott, and particularly Jason Lanier. Joanne Flinn and Alexander Budzier look at two key entities in the changing world of work: Boards of Directors and project teams. The former wield significant power over policy and execution. Project teams form the means for which work actually gets done. Flinn and Budzier explore the nature of risk and how it can be misperceived.

Jane Lewis and Roberto Saco tackle one of the most surprising and unusual change management movements of the past 15 years, Positive Deviance, also called the Bright Spots approach to change. They delve into the nitty-gritty of work in the field, and address the wider aspects of fit within the landscape of change management methods.

Cécile Demailly consults on strategy, disruptive change and early adoption within large companies. She brings corporate knowledge and change management expertise together with a research practice centered on new and future trends. Her current focus includes CSR, Enterprise 2.0 and neuropsychology applied to the corporate world. Prior to creating her consulting practice Early Strategies, she worked for 20 years in executive and management roles in IBM, AT&T and GE. Cécile is a former VP and current member of the federation European Professional Women’s Network. She is a visiting lecturer at HEC business school. She co-authored the book “Networking, the new Adriana’s Thread” in 2009 and has published several white papers, including “The Business Impact of Social Networking” in 2008. She is curently Chairperson of the Change Leaders.